Electronic Arts Website - Usability Testing

UX/UI Case Study | Desktop | Feb - Mar 2021 (Unsolicited)

UX Strategy | Persona | Usability Testing Methodologies | Heuristic Evalutation | System Usability Scale | Prototyping

Problem Statement

How might we improve the findability of information for the users of the website?


EA – Electronic Arts Inc., an American video game company, is a global leader in digital interactive entertainment. EA develops and publishes games, content, and online services for Internet-connected consoles, mobile devices, and personal computers.

This project was undertaken as part of the BCIT – UI & UX Design Certificate program.

Project Goal:

  • Identify the potential usability issues and areas of improvement on the website www.ea.com.
  • Validate and verify the identified issues through Usability Testing.
  • Recommend solutions based on the findings to improve the usability of the website.


Project Details

Original Site

Google Forms, Zoom, Adobe Illustrator, Excel, Usabilityhub.com, Canva.com


Group Project: Team of 3 UX Designers

My Role

UX Designer, UI Designer, Test Moderator & Observer


  • The participants recruited were the ideal users of the website.
  • There were no budget and/or time constraints to implement the solution.
  • Emphasis was on delivering a solution at the end of the project, which may not be the most efficient solution.


The below stages of Design Thinking Process was applied to the project. Although Design Thinking is a non-linear iterative process, I have described below my findings during one such iteration.



Define Goals
Basic Site Audit



Audience Analysis



Usability Testing
First Click Test
Preference Test
Think-aloud Tasks
Discover & Analyze pain points



Propose solutions



Hi-fi prototype


1. Understand

Website Audit

To prioritize our efforts during usability testing, we reviewed the website's structure, navigation, functionality, and task completion. We assessed the website's ease of navigation and efficiency in locating relevant information, as well as the ease of purchasing games.


This enabled us to focus our usability testing efforts on the most crucial issues:

  • Confusing global navigation with some repeated menu items.
  • Missing product catalogue page.
  • Missing search functionality.
  • Missing information on how to contact.
EA website landing page
EA website landing page


2. Empathize

Audience Analysis

We curated a list of potential user types who would be the primary and secondary audience for the website based on demographics, behavior, and motivations to better understand the users' needs and frustrations in using the website.


  • Hardcore Gamers
  • Sports Fan
  • Casual Gamers
  • Social Gamers
  • Parents
  • You Tuber/Streamers
  • Job applicants
  • Other Organizations/Corporations

Following the audience analysis, I identified the primary audience as Hardcore Gamers and developed a Proto-Persona to establish the characteristics of an ideal user for EA.

Persona for EA Games: Hardcore Gamer
Persona for EA Games: Hardcore Gamer


3. Test

Usability Testing

Our team and I recruited 5 participants for our usability testing. The age range of the participants was between 18 and 44 years old, which are closely based on the ideal user type for the website. Majority of them played video games every week & every participant purchased games online.

Our testing process was as follows:

  1. Pre-Test Questionnaire
  2. Usability Hub Tests
  3. First Click Test
  4. Preference Test
  5. Think-Aloud Tasks
  6. Post-Test Questionnaire
Usability Test Methodology

Website Tasks

Below are the 5 tasks we asked our users to complete during testing.

Task #1: Contact EA Personnel to enquire about Career Fair.
Task #2: Get the trial version of a “dragons” game.
Task #3: Learn about Membership.
Task #4: Contact EA to enquire about outstanding refund status.
Task #5: Find a multi-player game other than sports/shooting genre, that can be played on Mac and is under $50.


All user tests were conducted via Zoom meetings remotely due to COVID 19 restriction.

After users completed each test, we used System Usability Scale (SUS) test, a standardized set of questions that will help determine the users’ satisfaction with the website, to ask them on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being easy 10 being difficult) how cumbersome the task was to complete.
The System Usability Scale is not diagnostic and will not tell what
specific problems are, but it will give a rating to know how critical the usability needs work.


Due to time constraints & scheduling conflicts, we each took upon the role of Moderator, Observer & Organizer of the testing for each of the participant that we undertook. I was responsible for user testing with 2 participants.

Usability Test Results Analysis

Heuristic Evaluation
Our team did a heuristic analysis of the website based on the 9 predetermined guidelines which gave us insight into the ‘obvious’ errors of the usability of the website before conducting user-testing.
From these results, we can conclude that Trust and Credibility, Page Layout and Design scored the highest while the Search scored the least. We can now compare these results with the tests our participants take to determine if they found issues in the same areas.

Heuristic Evaluation Table
Raw Score # Questions #Answers Score
Home Page 12 20 20 80%
Task Orientation 15 44 44 67%
Navigation & IA 8 29 29 64%
Forms & Data Entry 0 23 23 50%
Trust & Credibility 13 13 13 100%
Writing & Content Quality 17 23  22 89%
Page Layout & Visual Design 22 39  27 91%
Search -7 20  20 33%
Overall Score  248 238 70%



Heuristic Data Analysis Chart
Heuristic Data Analysis Chart

First Click Test Results

With the use of first click test on the Usability Hub, we wanted to see where the users are naturally inclined to click when looking for certain information on the website. Since there were many ways to subscribe for EA membership, we asked the participants to choose where they would click to find more information about subscription and the reasoning behind their choice. The results from this task would be used to avoid ambiguity and improve the navigation of the website.

First Click Test Results: Heat map with user comments
First Click Test Results: Heat map with user comments

From the Heat Map, we can see that each participant chose a different area to click for membership subscription and only one participant got it wrong (clicked on "Resources”). This gave us insight into which area users are more inclined to click and why. But interestingly, all participants went to Games >> Subscribe for the think aloud tasks.

Preference Test Results

Using UsabilityHub.com, we did the Preference Test to get a general sense of the first impressions of the landing page’s design and usability. In this test, users were given 4 images of the landing pages of gaming websites (EA, Activision, Nintendo & Ubisoft) and were asked: “Which design do you prefer and why?”

2 / 5 participants preferred EA.com design for the “Featured Games” section.



Preference Test: Landing page of EA.com
Preference Test: Landing page of EA.com

2 / 5 participants preferred Activision website design as it looked more "Modern" & the hero image gave "a jist into what the game might be about"


Preference Test: Landing page of Activision.com
Preference Test: Landing page of Activision.com

1 / 5 participant preferred Nintendo for "the artwork of Original Mario adapts well to 2021"



Preference Test: Landing page of Nintendo.com
Preference Test: Landing page of Nintendo.com

Think Aloud Tasks Results

Severity Scale Results:

We observed how the participants reacted to the tasks given to them by thinking aloud so we can hear their thought process and determine what fixes and changes could be made to website design in order to create a better user experience.

  • Task 2 has the highest severity as the participants could not find a “dragon” game as there were no search/filter option.
  • Task 5 has the next highest severity. Even though some participants rated lower scales on the SUS question, none of them were able to complete the task.


The results confirmed that users struggled to complete Task 2 and Task 5. We will improve this functionality by redesigning the website.

SUS Results Table
Task Task Description Impact SUS Question P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 SUS Avg. SUS % Severity (0=Good, 5 = Bad)
1. Contact EA Personnel to enquire about Career Fair 2 Was this task easy to do? 10 10 2 9 7 7.6 76% 1.52
2. Find the trial version of "Dragons" game 5 Was this task complex to complete? 6 5 10 9 6 7.2 72% 3.6
3. Learn about Membership 5 How straightforward was it to find this information? 5 1 1 1 1 1.8 18% 0.9
4. Contact EA to enquire about outstanding refund status 4 How simple was it to find the answers you were looking for? 3 3 8 7 2 4.6 46% 1.84
5.  Find a multi-player game other than sports/shooting genre, that can be played on Mac and is under $50. 4 Was this task cumbersome to do? 2 10 9 2 6 5.6 58% 2.32

Completion Rate:

We decided to perform a quick analysis on the time it took for all participants to complete each task and if they were able to complete them or not. This would provide insight into which area in the current site needs addressing.

Task Completion Rate Table
Task Task Description Completion Status Time to Complete (Avg)
Task #1 Contact EA personnel to inquire about Career Fair No Participant Completed 2 minutes 40 seconds
Task #2 Find the trial version for "Dragons" game No Participant Completed 3 minutes 30 seconds
Task #3 Learn more about membership All Participants Completed 1 minute
Task #4 Contact EA to inquire about outstanding refund status 3 Participants Completed
2 Participants did not complete
3 minutes 8 seconds
Task #5 Find a multi-player game other than sports/shooting genre, that can be played on Mac and is under $50. 1 Participant Completed
4 Participants did not complete
3 minutes 4 seconds

Based on the information above, we can see finding membership information was the easiest task to complete, whereas finding contact information and trial/demo versions of games was the most difficult since participants eventually gave up on trying to complete these tasks. It is also important to note that finding a game with multiple criteria was also difficult for participants to complete as there is no filtering option in the current site.

Key Takeaways


  • All 5 participants expected a “Contact Us” link with a phone number or email id and a search bar &/or filter to find games quickly based on a criteria.
  • 3 / 5 participants gave up on the task when they could not find relevant games for the “mac” platform.
  • 4 / 5 participants were unable to find games related to dragons to get the trial version.
  • All 5 participants were frustrated to browse page-by-page to find a game, some even mentioned that they would not return to the website which is a red flag.
  • Majority of the participants were able to complete only 2 out of 5 tasks.
  • Participants were often confused where they were on the site and found it difficult to navigate, sometimes using the back button of the browser.
  • Inconsistent Footer links and global navigation menus. Visual cues were missing to indicate that some links would launch a different website.
  • Trouble getting to the home page of ea.com. The placement of the EA logo on the right corner of the page went unnoticed.



4. Ideate

After consolidating and understanding the main pain points from testing, we came up with the below recommended actionable items.

Issue #1 : Lack of Search bar

All the participants were attempting to find a search bar/ search function on the website and gave the feedback that it would have helped immensely when looking for specific information on the website. Participants had difficulty especially when doing the tasks that required to find games.

Provide Search bar where the users can search for general content on the entire website or search for specific Games.


Issue #2 : Lack of Option to Filter Games

All participants found it extremely frustrating to browse page-by-page to find a game and indicated that a way to filter the games based on multiple criteria ex: genre, price, platform etc. would be tremendously helpful.

By providing an option to filter the games based on multiple facets like price, genre, platform, play mode, featured options like deals, etc. along with the ability to search for a game by name would drastically improve the user experience. In addition, the users can sort the results by 'Most Popular', 'Price: High to low', 'Price: Low to High', 'Name: A-Z' and 'Name: Z-A'


Issue #3 : Lack of Contact Us link/page

All participants was attempting to find 'Contact Us' link on EA.com with phone number or email id information to contact EA personnel for Task 2 (enquire about Career Fair) . Although there is 'Contact us' on 'Help' website, users realized it was only related to support for issues with games or account. Also, users did not realize that 'Help' link launches a different website.

Providing a separate 'Contact Us' form on EA.com website will allow the users to contact EA to make general enquiries, enquire about partnerships, about Career Fair, etc. Also, adding visual cues to the links that launch a different website will improve the user experience


5. Design


Having come up with the solutions, the next step was to begin designing wireframes and prototypes. I began sketching out my ideas into tangible designs as it was quick.

Paper Prototype for Filter Criteria
Paper Prototype for Filter Criteria
Hi-fi Mockups

Finally, I used Adobe Illustrator to create the Hi-fi mock-ups to propose the solutions to the usability issues. Explanations for each of the redesigned elements can be found below. 

Solution for Issue 1: Lack of Search bar

Before: Issue 1 - Lack of Search bar
Before: Issue 1 - Lack of Search bar
After: Solution for Issue 1 - Lack of Search bar
After: Solution for Issue 1 - Lack of Search bar

Solution for Issue 2: Lack of Option to Filter Games

Before: Issue 2 - Lack of option to Filter Games
Before: Issue 2 - Lack of option to Filter Games
After: Solution for Issue #2 - Lack of option to Filter Games
After: Solution for Issue #2 - Lack of option to Filter Games

Solution for Issue 3: Lack of Contact Us page

Before: Issue 3 - lack of Contact Us page
Before: Issue 3 - lack of Contact Us page
After: Solution for Issue 3 - lack of Contact Us page
After: Solution for Issue 3 - lack of Contact Us page


On Business

  • The Search and Filter features if implemented would ultimately increase conversion rates and revenue as users will be able to quickly find what they need and make purchases successfully.
  • The inclusion of a separate "Contact Us" form provides a dedicated channel for the users to contact the company which fosters a sense of trust and accessibility.

On Project

  • Throughout the project, I provided project management support to ensure the research activities stayed on track and aligned with the project goals.
  • With the use of my research and analytical skills, I identified patterns in the data gathered from user interviews and derived actionable insights.

Next Steps

  • Iterate prototype testing with users to gather feedback.
  • Measure the success of the solution with metrics - Conversion Rate, Click-through Rate, Search Success Rate, Number of Returning Users from Analytics, and User Satisfaction through surveys.


Due to one team member working full-time, we encountered challenges in collaborating on the tasks in the initial phase of the project. To overcome this, I proposed a task division approach to reduce our reliance on each other and enable us to keep the project on track for completion.


  • As Jakob Nielson says, "If the customer can't find the product, the customer can't buy it." (Source: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ia-task-failures-remain-costly/) I learned the importance of Information Architecture and the importance of intuitive navigation, and efficient search functionality.
  • Collaborating with 2 UX Designers on the team.
  • It takes practice not to help users during testing no matter how frustrated or lost they are.