A little bit about me

Profile Picture of Sowmya Malur

Hi, I am Sowmya (s-au-m-ya), UX/UI designer based in Vancouver, Canada.


I am UX/UI Designer, passionate about advocating for users and creating inclusive and accessible designs while being fascinated by behavioral science, design & technology.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science & Engineering and 6+ years of diverse experience in the IT industry, including web application development, testing, and maintenance. I have a solid foundation in User Experience Design that I gained from completing the User Interface and User Experience Design Associate Certificate program at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and I have accumulated 1+ years of wide-ranging experience in design roles, including Graphic Designer, Digital Illustrator, and UX Researcher, primarily through volunteering on various projects. I am dedicated to crafting digital solutions that strike a balance between business goals, users' needs, and technical constraints, with the ultimate aim of customer engagement and enhancing the overall user experience.

My other interests are UX for VR/AR/MR/XR and Voice UI Design, Typography, and Infographics. I have dabbled in 2D Animation, Logo Design, and Icon Design.

If you are interested in working together, you can reach me at sowmyamb@outlook.com

You can also connect with me on LinkedIn



Outside of design, I


  • love anything to do with art -  sketching, calligraphy, painting on different mediums, sculpting. 
  • love reading & spending time at a library.
  • enjoy trying out new recipes.
  • also enjoy swimming occasionally.